Denim Painting 101: Tips for Painting Details on Denim

Published April 2020 | Updated Oct. 2024

One thing that can be tough when painting on denim is painting all the little details. Denim has a rough and bumpy texture, which makes it difficult to paint thin lines, especially in small spaces like a jean pocket.

But don’t worry! This guide should help equip you with the right tools and teach you how to perfect the tiny details on your next painted denim project.

Tips for Painting Details on Denim

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1. Use the Right Brushes

You might think that the smallest size brushes are always best for the tiny details, but that’s not always true.

Although I love the teeny tiny brushes, which are labeled as a number with /0 after (example: 3/0), round brushes in sizes 0, 1, and 2 are ideal!

These sized brushes come to a very fine point at the tip and are perfect for creating fine lines. Brand new brushes are best, as the tips have not been worn down and can be made into a very fine point.

Detail brushes I recommend:

2. Wet the Brush

Thoroughly wet your brush in clean, cold water and gently wipe off excess on the edge of the glass. Be sure not to crush the brush tip on the bottom of your water cup.

Wetting the brush will help form it into a nice, fine point to get those perfect details. It helps the brush hairs clump together and keeps them from fraying.

3. Wipe on Cloth

Slightly dry the brush on a clean paper towel or soft cloth by wiping the sides of the brush, rotating after each swipe so you can evenly dry and form the tip.

Do not dab the tip of the brush into the paper towel/cloth as this will mess up the fine point you just formed.

Tips for Painting Details on Denim

4. Saturate With Paint

Gently swipe the brush across your paint mix with the same technique you used to wipe the brush on the cloth (using the side of the brush and rotating after each swipe to evenly coat the brush with paint while keeping the fine point).

Wipe off excess paint on a clean area of the palette until there is only a small amount of paint left on the tip.

5. Paint on the Denim

Use small, short strokes to create your fine line. Make sure your brush is still formed into a nice point.

You can repeat the steps above if your brush tip loses the fine point.

Because of the rough denim texture, it can be hard to paint details. You can achieve details on this type of texture with small paint strokes and lots of patience!

You may need to build up layers to complete the detail(s), going back to your palette after each layer to pick up more paint on your brush, wipe off the excess, and then painting on the denim again.

Bonus Tip: Fabric Markers

It is absolutely possible to create fine lines and paint small details just with brushes and paint, but you can also try using fabric markers!

I use small brushes and paint 99% of the time, but I have tested some fabric markers and they worked perfectly! For one pair of Starry Night jeans, I used Arteza Fabric Markers to paint the small details in the city.

I also used fabric markers on a denim jacket with water lilies that I painted for my sister. The outlines of the water lilies were all created with Arteza Fabric Markers.

The fabric markers do not create as fine of lines as a nice paintbrush in my experience, but they may be a good option if you don’t have the time or patience to use brushes.

Fabric markers I have used:


How to Paint on Jeans (5 Steps With Pictures)


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